Continuing Education
The Continuing Education Department at MTC covers a broad range of adult training options. This includes courses in the trade and industrial areas, nursing, dental, business and computer technology. We provide more than 75 courses that train over 1,500 adults annually. We are dedicated to preparing adults for employment in an ever changing job market.
MTC is also a regional center that offers apprenticeship training for our community. Currently, we work with over 50 different companies in sponsoring apprenticeship training. After completion of one of our state approved apprenticeship programs, an individual will receive a journeyman certification which is a nationally recognized credential.
In addition to offering classes like journeyman certification courses, our school is happy to assist companies in offering specialized and customized training. Whether it's a one day seminar or year long course - we can create a program that fits your company's needs!
If you are looking to enhance your current skills, gain new knowledge for increased job marketability or just want to have fun, the MTC Continuing Education can meet your needs.
Adult Basic Education Overview
Classes and small-group instruction are offered both morning and evening at Massanutten Technical Center and at various satellite locations, to individuals age 18 and above (16 and 17 with special permission from your school district) who are functioning at or below a high-school-equivalent level in reading and/or mathematics.
Instruction and materials focus on the adult learner's individual goals, such as English classes, preparing for the GED® test (English & Spanish), obtaining employment or general self-improvement. Classes are open-entry, with registration on Wednesdays from 10am-6pm, and begin with an orientation and assessment.
There is no tuition charge for these classes; however, students are charged a $40 per semester registration fee.
What will I learn?
Improved Reading Skills ~ Teachers provide instruction in basic reading, vocabulary, spelling and reading comprehension. If you have trouble reading signs at work, notes from your child's teacher or the daily newspaper, we can help! If you want to work on your spelling or learn new words, our teachers can show you how.
Improved Writing Skills ~ In class, students learn how to write letters, essays or newspaper articles. Teachers spend time one-on-one with students to improve their punctuation, grammar and writing style.
Improved Math Skills ~ Students work on many different levels of math from basic operations to algebra and geometry. For many students, workplace math skills are essential. Our program is individualized to meet each student's needs, abilities and interests. Teachers use workbooks and other materials to give students many opportunities to learn even the most challenging math skills!
Improved Life Skills ~ Some of our students need help with workplace skills such as finding a job, filling out job applications, writing a resume, reading directions, and workplace vocabulary. Life skills include managing your checking account or household budget, using a calculator, reading a newspaper or phone book, communicating with your child's school, or getting a driver's license.